
TEF Occasional Paper Series

  1. Staines, A; Blackwood, D (University of Abertay) 2005: Beach Usage, understanding the issues
  2. Wishart, D (Catchment Tay Ltd) 2009: Economic, social and environmental sustainability: Do they really overlap?
  3. Dempsey, K (University of Aberdeen) 2009: The ecology of Bottlenose Dolphins in Montrose Bay, North East Scotland
  4. Shaw, P; Kemp, S (University of Southampton) 2010: Employers’ requirements for graduate skills, attributes & knowledge in the coastal & estuarine sector
  5. Booth, L; Duck, R (Paper presented at Littoral 2010): A decade of delivering sustainable coastal zone management: The Tay Estuary Forum, a voluntary local coastal partnership in Scotland
  6. Stojanovic, T.A.* Jackson, M. Gilmour, D. Falconer, R. Stojanovic, V. Booth, L. Duck, R.W. (2016) The physical characteristics and features of the Forth-Tay marine planning region and their importance for seascape characterisation.

Archive TEF conference reports:

2017  2016  2015   2014   2013   2012  2011   2010   2009   2008   2007

TEF Management Plan 2009-2014

Sectoral Interactions Matrix (SIM) Reports:      SIM Peer Review Report 2012

Booth, L.M; Milne, F.D; Duck, R.W: 2013. Sectoral interactions in the Scottish coastal zone: Measuring sustainability in theory and practice. Journal of Ocean & Coastal Management Vol. 85 (2013)39-45. Available to download here

Sectoral Interactions on the Tay Report 2012

Some recent Tay References may be found here

Transcript of official Parliamentary motion at the LCP debate from December ’14 can be read at:

2017 TEF/FEF Conference Presentations:

Marine Planning David Pratt, Marine Scotland

Cruise boom in the Forth and Tay Robert Mason, Forth Ports Scotland

Disturbance to Birds in Coastal Developments Helen Riley and Simon Stephenson, RPS

Social science of the coast  Paula Duffy, University of St Andrews

Facilitating community collaboration Esther Carmen, CECHR, University of Dundee

Inch Cape Wind Farm Tom Young, Red Rock Power Ltd (conference sponsor)

Dundee Waterfront Jennifer Caswell, Dundee City Council


2016 TEF Conference Presentations:

Marine Conservation Society –  RSPB  –  Tayside Biodiversity  –  Welcome 2016  – Marine Tourism & Recreation  – Capturing our Coast  – Seascape  – National Coastal Change Assessment 


Awakening the Giant: A Strategic Framework for Scotland’s Marine Tourism Sector