All posts by TEF

Between the River and the Sea

Conference delegates on (a rather bleak!) Tayport salt marsh (image courtesy of H.Gunn) Sept, 2014

The TEF were involved in an international conference between 16-18th September, hosted by University of Dundee, looking at Integrated Perspectives on Catchment and Coastal Zone Management: “Between the River and the Sea”. A guided walk formed part of the the conference programme (more info at:  Between the River…. Sep 2014)  & a field excursion itinerary can be viewed here: Field Excursion Itinerary

Planning Scotland’s Seas: Scotland’s National Marine Plan. Consultation Response Analysis Report

Fri 2nd May 2014: Planning Scotland’s Seas: Scotland’s National Marine Plan was published for consultation in July 2013 setting out the Scottish Government’s vision for Scotland’s marine environment. The document set marine planning in context, presented key objectives and planning polices related to achieving sustainable development and use of the marine area.

The consultation analysis report outlines the issues and key themes raised by respondents in relation to the objectives and policies for key marine sectors and the National Marine Plan in general. Click here for more info

Broughty Ferry Beach Clean Fri 9th May 2014

As part of the Clean Up Scotland Campaign, Clean Coast Week and Clean Europe Day, the Beach Management Group are having a litter pick on Broughty Ferry Beach and Esplanade to support the hard work of all the volunteers involved with this year’s clean up campaigns. If you would like to come along and participate please meet at the bottom of Bridge Street at 12.45pm.  Litter picks, gloves and bags will be provided.  Please wear sturdy shoes. For more info please e-mail